A. Profession
Associate Editor: Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, since 2021.
Co-Editor of the following book series: Plants and Animals: Interdisciplinary Approaches (since 2022); Future Perfect: Images of the Time to Come in Philosophy, Politics and Cultural Studies at Rowman and Littlefield Int’l (2013-2020)
Editorial Board Member of the following journals and collections: Colección Estudios Amazónicos, Fondo Editorial PUCP; Critical Plant Studies” Book Series at Peter Lang; Estudios Portugueses y Brasileños.
Peer-Reviewer of articles for the following journals: Environmental Philosophy (October 2023; September 2016); Romance Quarterly (May 2023); Iluminace: The Journal of Film Theory, History and Aesthetics (May 2023); International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (December 2022); Philosophies (October 2022; December 2021); Ecozon@ (September 2022); Humanities (March 2022); Narrative Culture (February 2022); New Literary History (February 2022); Esboços: Histórias em Contextos Globais (December 2021); SAGE Open (December 2021); Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism (July 2021); Journal of Lusophone Studies (February 23; July 2021, June 2017); Romanica Cracoviensia (July 2021); Canadian Journal of History (March 2021); Escritos (March 2021); História da Historiografia: International Journal of Theory and History of Historiography (March 2021); Journal of Lusophone Studies (January 2020); Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies (January 2020); Diacrítica (December 2019); Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal (July 2019); Hispanic Review (May 2019); Transmodernity (May 2019, January 2018); South African Historical Journal (February 2019); a/b: Auto/Biography Studies (February 2019); Catalyst (December 2018); Interdisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (October 2018); Esboços (August 2018); Ecolinguística: Revista Brasileira de Ecologia e Linguagem (August 2018); Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature (April 2018); Culture,Theory and Critique (January 2018); Journal of African Cinemas (September 2017); Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (October 2016); CEM / Cultura, Espaço & Memória (August 2016); PMLA (June, 2022; November 2015, February 2012); MatLit: Materialidades da Literatura (March 2015); Cultural History (September 2014); Rocky Mountain Review (February 2014); Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures (January 2014); Ellipsis (2013); Luso-Brazilian Review (2016, 2013, 2012, 2010); Hispania (2014, 2011); Journal of Romance Studies (2011); Hispanic Review (2011); Chasqui (2009).
Peer-Reviewer of books / book proposals for the following presses: University of San Marcos Press (November 2023); Bloomsbury Press (November 2022; June 2022; February 2022; March 2021; March 2020; December 2014, October 2013); Vanderbuilt University Press (August 2022); Minnesota University Press (November 2020; September 2018); Peter Lang (November 2020); Lexington Books (December 2019); Westminster University Press (April 2019); Palgrave MacMillan (March 2019); Brill Univ. Press (April 2017); Columbia Univ. Press (December 2014); Berghahn Books (October 2014); University of Manchester Press (2010).
Peer Evaluator and other Professional Service: ASLE Ecocriticism Book Award Jury Member (2023); Best Book in the Humanities Award, LASA Brazil Section Jury Member (2023); ASLE Ecocriticism Book Award Jury Member (2023); External Reviewer of Luso-Brazilian Studies Program at York University (August 2021); APSA Executive Committee Member (since Jan. 2021); LASA Amazon Book Award Jury Member (June 2020); External Evaluator, Trinity College, Dublin, Visiting Fellowship Program (February 2018); External Evaluator of a research project for FONDECYT, Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica & Tecnológica, Chile (August 2016).
Evaluator of Tenure and/or Promotion Dossiers: University of Toronto (September 2023); University of Georgia (July 2023); University of Maryland, College Park (August 2022); University of Chicago (April 2022); Smith College (September 2021); University of California, Santa Cruz (September 2021); University of Virginia (September 2018); Marymount Manhattan College (September 2017).
External Reviewer: Luso-Brazilian Studies program at York University, August 2021.
Panel Organizer, Moderator or Discussant at the following academic conferences: Panel co-organizer “Imaginários Urbanos numa Amazónia Mais que Humana,” Associação de Brasilianistas na Europa (September 2023); Discussant, “From Psychologies Otherwise/Earthwise to Feminist Social Science: A Roundtable Conversation,” CES, Univ. Coimbra (September 2022); Discussant, “Plant Studies and Interdisciplinary Mexico,” LASA, San Francisco (May 2022); Co-organizer, Workshop “Roda dos Saberes: Humanidades Ambientais e Naturezas Contestadas” CES, University of Coimbra (February 2022); Moderator, “Eco-Critical Approaches to Brazilian Literature,” Brazilian Studies Association Conference (March 2022); Moderator, “Flora and Fauna,” Green Hispanismos International Conference, Swansea University (July 2021); Multiple Panels Moderator, GRAPHSY, Georgetown University (February 2021, 2012, 2011); Panel Discussant & Panel Moderator, MLA International Symposium, Catholic University of Lisbon (July 2019); Moderator, “Othering/Otherness,” Association of British & Irish Lusitanists Conference (September 2015); Panel Moderator, In Nature’s Wake: The Art and Politics of the Environmental Crisis (March 2015); Panel Moderator, Europe after the Euro Conference (September 2013); Panel Moderator, European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (June 2012); Panel Moderator, Associação de Investigadores da Imagem em Movimento Conference (May 2012); Panel Moderator, American Portuguese Studies Association Conference (October 2012); Panel Moderator, IV Simpósio sobre o Ensino de Português para Falantes de Espanhol (March 2011); Panel Moderator, Lusophone Africa: Democratization, Development and Global Influences Conference (January 2011); Panel Moderator, Cinema em Português: III Jornadas (October 2010).
Conference Peer-Reviewer: 15th Conference of Cinema in Portuguese Program Committee Member (January 2023); APEAA International Conference Program Committee Member (January 2022); MLA 2019 International Symposium (October 2018); REPOR(T)HA (2018); III International Conference INSULA (July 2017)
Book Reviewer for Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 2012-14
B. Department & Institution
Sustainability Advisory Board, CES, Coimbra U, since 2022
Merit Review Committee, Georgetown University, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019.
FTNTL Teaching Evaluator, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University, fall 2018 & 2019.
Portuguese Program Ad-Hoc Committee, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University, fall 2018
College Executive Council, Georgetown University, 2014-15, 2017.
Director of the Comparative Literature Program, Georgetown University, 2014-15.
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship Review Committee Member, Georgetown University, 2014-15.
Graduate Student Travel Grant Review Committee Member, Georgetown University, 2014-15.
Foreign and Languages and Literatures Committee Member, Georgetown University, 2014-15.
Film and Media Studies Program Faculty Committee Member, Georgetown University, since 2012.
Graduate Admissions Committee Member, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University, since 2012.
Graduate Progress Committee Member, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University, since 2012.
Comparative Literature Program Faculty Committee Member, Georgetown University, since 2011.
Marino International Writers’ Workshop, Georgetown University, 2008, 2009, 2012.
Guest speaker at the FLL Graduate Student Job Clinic, Georgetown University, 2009, 2012, 2014.
Chair of the Departmental Events Committee, Georgetown University, 2014.
Learning and Teaching Committee, University of Leeds, 2007-8.
Study Abroad Committee, University of Leeds, 2007-8.
Literary Fellow, Dudley House, Harvard University, 2005-6.
C. University-Related Community Activities
Talk “Notas sobre Feitiço do Império” [“Notes on The Spell of the Empire”] National Film Archive, Lisbon, 2012.
Talk “Notas sobre A Revolução de Maio” [“Notes on The May Revolution”] National Film Archive, Lisbon, 2012.
Creative Writing Workshop (co-leader), Harvard University, 2005-6.
East-Asian Film Festival (co-organizer), Harvard University, 2004.
Latin-American Film Festival, Harvard University, 2003.
Luso-Brazilian Film Series (co-organizer), UC Santa Barbara, 2001.