Podcast - Interview with Kate Brelje. Networking with Plants in the Anthropocene. November 13, 2023.


Video - Interview “The Amazon River Basin: Extractivism, Aesthetics and Indigenous Perspectives – A Conversation” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies. September 2023. 


Interview with Mafalda Ruão. “Utopias para Realistas – Outros Antropocenos – O Apocalipse Visto da Amazónia.” Umbigo. December 7, 2022.


Interview “Are Plants Intelligent?” for Psychology Today, December 2021. [with Monica Gagliano and John Ryan]


Interview “On The Mind of Plants” for The Plant Initiative, December 2021. [online] [with Monica Gagliano and John Ryan]


Interview “Environmental Crisis,” part of the series “Há Vidas nesta Cidade” [“Life in this City], Radio of the University of Coimbra, June 2021.


Interview "Antropoceno, Utopia e DistopiaRevista Esboços and Federal University of Santa Catarina. February 24, 2021.


"Utopia and Dystopia in the Age of the Anthropocene." Esboços: Histórias em Contextos Globais. January 18, 2021.


"A Morte das Plantas é o Nosso Esquecimento: Uma Conversa com Patrícia VieiraAmazônia Latitude. October 1st, 2020.


"The Humanities and Climate Change." Three Professors Walk into a Bar Podcast Series. Georgetown University. 2019.


"Interview on Utopian Thought, a Future Perfect and The Language of Plants.ArtCiencia: Revista de Arte, Ciência e Comunicação. viii:17. 2014.


"Interview on The Language of Plants," Animalia, Vegetalia, Mineralia, April 2014.


"Researching Portugal's Political History and Propaganda Films," Georgetown College's Faculty Profiles, Georgetown University, March 2009.