Edited Book - The Environment in Brazilian Culture: Literature, Cinema and the Arts
This book aims to explore the centrality of the environment in shaping Brazilian culture. How have different Brazilian cultural productions depicted nature? In which ways has the environment determined Brazilian literature, cinema, and the arts? How have disparate geographical regions—the Amazon, the Northeast, etc.—been portrayed in Brazilian texts, films and other artworks? What are the Brazilian contributions to current debates on critical plant and animal studies, post-humanism and, more broadly, the environmental humanities? The book brings together a collection of essays that seek to answer some of these questions and to assess the centrality of the environment in shaping Brazilian literature, cinema and the arts.
Edited Book - Contemporary Brazilian Indigenous Thought and Ecology
(with Karen Shiratori, Malcolm McNee, Renata Marquez and Wellington Cançado)
This co-edited book offers a panorama of contemporary Brazilian thought and its relation to ecology. Indigenous ontologies and epistemologies consider that there is a continuity between different forms of existence and see the encounter between beings as connections to be negotiated in an incessant cosmopolitics. This interdependence between humans and non-humans has decisive consequences for human politics, insofar as, for Indigenous peoples, the link to their ancestral home is key to their lives. Indigenous ecological thought can therefore not be separated from the struggle for the demarcation and protection of Indigenous lands faced with the expansion of the extractivist frontier.
Edited Book - The Amazon River Basin: Extractivism, Indigenous Perspectives and a Politial Aesthetics of Resistance
This book brings together a selection of articles that reflect upon the various cycles of extractivism that have impacted the Amazon River Basin from the beginning of the past century onwards, and communal, political and artistic resistance to these predatory practices.
Special Issue of Philosophies - Plant Poesis: Aesthetics, Philosophy and Indigenous Thought
This special issue calls for articles that consider various forms of creation together with vegetal life. We welcome essays that examine literature, cinema and artworks that foreground plants, as well as reflections on plant interactions with human and other forms of existence. By encouraging a dialogue between views on vegetal life hailing both from philosophy and from other traditions of thought, we seek to contribute to the process of decolonizing plants studies and the environmental humanities. The acknowledgment of often-implicit racial and gender biases in human relations to plants in a Western context, opens the path to learning from alternative approaches to the vegetal world.
Special Issue Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment - Vegetal Humanities in the Amazon
The Amazon, a region known for its sociobiodiversity and in which plants are central to the cosmovisions of Indigenous, Maroon and riverine peoples, is the point of departure for a multi-species reflection about the vegetal world. The Special Issue seeks to dialogue with the relational ontology of Amazonian peoples, for whom many plants are beings with specific points of view, just like humans. How are the interactions between plants, humans and other entities in the Amazon River Basin shaped? What are the contributions of Amazonian thought to the Environmental Humanities? What (alternative) images of humanity do plants reveal? These are some of the questions that will guide this Special Issue.