“More than Human Creations: Plants and Animals in Contemporary Indigenous Amazonian Art.” Environmental Humanities Conference – Recent Approaches to Environmental Humanities: Literary and Cultural Reflections on the Human and More-than-Human World. September 2023. [online]
“O que é uma Urbe? Comunidades Humanas e Mais-que-Humanas em Águas do Pastaza de Inês Alves.” ABRE Conference. Lisbon, September 2023.
“Amazonian Indigenous Filmmaking as Environmental Activism.” SALSA Conference. Leticia, July 2023.
“Amazon Animist Cinema and Non-Human Rights.” ASLE, Portland, July 2023. [online]
“Plant Cinema from the Amazon.” LASA, Vancouver, May 2023. [online]
“Direitos Não-Humanos em Sociedades Mais que Humanas.” II Congresso Internacional de Direitos Animais: Salve a Amazônia, os Animais e o Planeta. April 2023.
“Birds and Feathers in the Land of the Parrots.” Conference “Overlooking the World: Exotic Birds and Aviaries in Portugal (XVth-XXth century).” Museum of Natural History and Science, University of Lisbon, 10-11 November, 2022.
“Amazonian Phytofilm: Contemporary Amazonian Cinema as Vegetal Filmmaking.” American Portuguese Studies Association Conference, October 2022.
“Amazonian Indigenous Filmmaking and the Rights of Human and Non-Human Beings.” Global Meeting on Law and Society. ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, July 2022. [online]
“Filming the Ruins of the Amazon: Indigenous and non-Indigenous Cinema as Environmental Activism.” CEISAL International Conference. University of Helsinki, June 2022.
“Zoophytography in the Amazon: Animals and Plants in Amazonian Ecopoetry.” Second International Environmental Humanities Conference: Critical Animal and Plant Studies. Cappadocia University, May 2022 [online]
“Animals and Plants in Cultural Productions about the Amazon River Basin.” Roundtable on “Amazonia and the Environment: Literary and Artistic Mediations.” LASA, San Francisco, May 2022 [online]
“Food Ethics in the Work of Astrid Cabral.” LASA, San Francisco, May 2022 [online]
“Filming the Amazon: Views from the Outside.” APEAA Conference. University of Coimbra. April 2022.
“Fitocinema Amazónico: Cinema Indígena Contemporâneo sobre Plantas.” La Amazonía Brasileña: Problemas y Desafíos. University of Salamanca. March 2022. [online]
“Grounding Literature: The Poetry of Astrid Cabral.” Brazilian Studies Association Conference. March 2022. [online]
“Interdisciplinaridade, Transdisciplinaridade e Indisciplina Académica.” Mesa-Redonda “Inter/transdisciplinaridade: Epistemologias, Legados e Insurgências.” Colóquio “Inter/Transdiscipliridade para o Século XXI.” Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, January 2022. [online]
“Rainforest Aesthetics: Plant Art from the Amazon.” Streams – Transformative Environmental Humanities Conference. KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, August 2021. [online]
“Can Plants Become Environmental Activists? Amazonian Thought in the Work of Frans Krajcberg.” Beyond Modernity: Alternative Incursions into the Anthropocene. Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, June 2021. [online]
“Animals and Plants in Amazonian Cultural Productions.” Roundtable “Diálogos Emergentes: Recent Research on the Amazon.” Latin American Studies Association Conference. May 2021. [online]
“Olive Tree (Olea Europaea).” The Mind of Plants Symposium. Arts Front Foundation. April 2021. [online]
“Utopian and Dystopian Thought in the Age of the Anthropocene.” (Re)Thinking Earth: From Representations of Nature to Climate Change Fiction. Portuguese National Library. October 2020. [online]
“Voices from the Rainforest.” MLA International Symposium: Remembering Voices Lost. Catholic University of Lisbon. July 2019.
"Phytographia: Escritas Amazônicas." II Ciclo de Estudios Brasileños. University of Salamanca, July 2019.
“The Amazonian Rainforest in Literature, Cinema and Art.” Vegetal Poetics. Narrating Plants in Culture and History. Technical University of Dresden / German Museum of Hygiene, June 2019.
“Talking Trees in the Amazon.” Trees in/and/around Literature in the Anthropocene. University of Turin. May 2019.
“Paz entre as Espécies” [“Peace between Species”]. Conference: A Imaginação do Futuro: Saberes, Experiências, Alternativas. University of Coimbra, November 2018.
“The Environment in the Cinematography of Portuguese Women Filmmakers.” American Portuguese Studies Association Conference. University of Michigan, October 2018.
“Natural and Social Landscapes in the Work of Portuguese Women Directors.” Portuguese Women Directors Workshop. University of Lisbon, September 2018.
“The Immanent, Ecological Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.” International Conference on Environmental Humanities. University of Alcalá, July 2018.
“A Land of the Future: Utopia in Brazilian Culture.” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Annual Conference. Salamanca, June 2018.
“Amazonian Posthumanism in the Poetry of Astrid Cabral.” IV Congresso Internacional de Literatura e Ecocrítica. Manaus, June 2018.
“Amazonian Flora: A Phyto-Gnosis from the Rainforest.” Latin American Studies Association Conference. Barcelona. May 2018.
“Multibiologismo y paz entre especies.” Conference Humanidades y Ecología para el Siglo XXI, South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies, Maldonado, Uruguay, December 2017.
“O Fim do Planeta e os Limites do Capitalismo.” Conference Cem Anos que Abalaram o Mundo: Hipóteses Emancipatórias. University of Coimbra, November 2017.
“Amazonian Zoophytographia.” The Environment in Brazilian Culture. Georgetown University. October 2017.
“Post-Utopia and Authoritarian Reactionarism.” Beyond Borders: People, Spaces, Ideas Conference. Open University of Lisbon, May 2017.
“Phytographia: Writing with Plants.” Vegetal Mediations: Plant Agency in Contemporary Art and Environmental Humanities. Central European University. May 2017.
“Convivências: Multibiologismo, Ecologia e Comunidades Inter-Espécies.” Conferência "O Desejo de Viver em Comum." São Luiz Municipal Theater, Lisbon. March 2017.
“Zoophytographia: Animal and Plant Writing on the Amazon.” Brazilian Studies Association Conference. Brown University. April 2016.
“Ecocriticism in Portuguese: Zoo-phyto-graphic Poetry.” Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies. New University of Lisbon, March 2016.
“Ecological Utopian and Dystopian Discourses about the Amazon.” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference. Harvard University, March 2016.
“Writing the Amazon: Voices from the Rainforest.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies Conference. Oxford University. January 2015.
“Sabios en las cumbres: las montañas como espacios de exilio de la modernidad” [“Sages on High: Mountains as Spaces of Exile from Modernity”]. Jornadas de Literatura, Cine y Montaña. Vitoria-Gasteiz. November 2015.
“After the End of the World: António Vieira’s History of the Future.” Conference on The End of the World. Paris, September 2015.
“Fernando Pessoa’s Phytographia.” Association of British and Irish Lusitanists Conference. Exeter. September 2015.
“The Phytophilic Poesis of Manuel de Barros.” American Portuguese Studies Association Conference. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, October 2014.
“Religion, Messianism and Utopia in Cinematic Depictions of Canudos.” American Portuguese Studies Association Conference. University of Iowa, October 2012.
“António Vieira’s Transatlantic Experience and the Shaping of the Fifth Empire.” Brazilian Studies Association Conference. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, September 2012.
“The Instant and the Event in the Cinema of Pedro Costa.” European Network for Screen and Media Studies Conference. Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory. New University of Lisbon, June 2012.
“Pedro Costa: Um Cinema Minimalista” [“Pedro Costa: A Minimalist Cinema”]. Annual Meeting of the Association of Researchers of the Moving Image. Catholic University of Lisbon, May 2012.
“António Vieira’s Messianic Writings: From Decadence to Utopia.” American Comparative Literature Annual Conference. Providence, April 2012.
“The Return of the Repressed: The Colonial War in Post-74 Portuguese Cinema.” IV CECC International Conference on Culture and Conflict: (Post-) Conflict Cinema: Remembering Out-Breaks and In-Tensions. Catholic University of Lisbon, December 2011.
“Finitude without End: From Death to the Other on the Way to Utopia.” I Lisbon International Conference of Philosophy. University of Lisbon, October 2011.
“Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in Portuguese Film.” Conference Re-writing/Re-memoring History in Literature through the Colonial/Post-Colonial Juncture. University of Lisbon, June 2011.
“A Mitificação do Passado Português: Camões na Propaganda do Estado Novo” [“The Mythification of Portuguese Past: Camões in New State Propaganda”]. Europe of Nations. Myths of Origin: Modern and Postmodern Discourses. University of Aveiro, May 2011.
“O Fado das Mulheres Perdidas: Estereótipos de Género no Cinema do Estado Novo” [“The Fate of Lost Women: Gender Stereotypes in New State Cinema”]. Annual Meeting of the Association of Researchers of the Moving Image. Faro, May 2011.
“Forging an Alternative History: The Colonial Experience in the New Portuguese Cinema. ” American Comparative Literature Annual Conference. Vancouver, April 2011.
“Ruralidade no Cinema do Estado Novo: A Criação de uma Sociedade Natural” [“The Countryside in New State Cinema: The Creation of a Natural Society”]. Conference Cinema in Portuguese: III Meeting. University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, October 2010.
“Identificação, Regressão e Persuasão: Autoridade e Hierarquia no Cinema do Estado Novo” [“Identification, Regression and Persuasion: Authority and Hierarchy in New State Cinema”]. Conference Psychoanalysis and Portuguese Culture. Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, June 2010.
“Poetas em Grande Plano: Camões, Bocage e a Política do Espírito do Estado Novo Português” [“Poets in the Foreground: Camões, Bocage and the Politics of Spirit of the Portuguese New State”]. Poesia, Cine & Fotografia. Metadiscursos y Estúdios de Caso [Poetry, Cinema and Photography. Metadiscourses and Case Studies]. University of Salamanca, March 2010.
“Women in the Colonies: Creating an Image of the Portuguese Empire through Propaganda Films.” Gender, Empire and Postcolony: Intersections in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, October 2009.
“The (In) Visibility of Colonial Wars in Mia Couto and J. M. Coetzee.” II CECC Conference on Culture and Conflict. Catholic University of Lisbon, May 2009.
“Visions of the Empire in Mia Couto’s Vinte e Zinco.” American Portuguese Studies Association. Yale University, October 2008.
“Cinema de Propaganda e o Projecto Colonial Português” [“Propaganda Cinema and the Portuguese Colonial Project”]. International Association of Lusitanists. Funchal, August 2008.
“Blindfolds, Hoods, and the Exercise of Power in the Art of Ana Maria Pacheco.” Poetics of Resistance Workshop. Leeds, March 2008.
“The Reason of Vision: Variations on Subjectivity in José Saramago’s Blindness’. Association of British and Irish Lusitanists Conference. Bristol, January 2008.
“Propaganda in the New State: Salazar, António Ferro and the Reshaping of Truth.” Contested Memories: War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Culture. Dublin, October 2007.
“Singing under Siege. Resistance Music in Portugal and Brazil.” Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, December 2006.
“Heróis sem Carácter. Uma Retórica do Particularismo em Macunaíma” [“Heroes without Character: a Rhetoric of Particularism in Macunaíma”]. Brazilian Studies Association Conference. Nashville, October 2006.
“Human, less than Human. Darkness, Madness and Animality in Graciliano Ramos’s Memórias do Cárcere.” American Portuguese Studies Association Conference. Minneapolis, October 2006.
“Violence and Resistance: Blindness in the Art of Representing Chaos.” Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (ABRALIC). Rio de Janeiro, August 2006.
“Truth as Ideology. Salazarism in The May Revolution.” Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 2006.
“Torture and the Sublime. The Ethics of Physical Pain in Garage Olimpo.” Hawaii International Humanities Conference. Honolulu, January 2006.
“Images of the New State: Cinema and Propaganda in Portugal.” South American Modern Language Association. Atlanta, November 2005.
“Colonial Violences. The Archive of Naked Life in South of Nowhere.” American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. New York, July 2005.
“No Reino de Mnemósine. Memória e Esquecimento em A Costa dos Murmúrios” [“In the Kingdom of Mnemosine: Memory and Forgetting in The Murmuring Coast”]. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, April 2004.
“Literatura ou Panfleto? Leitura das Novelas de Ana de Castro Osório no Contexto da Luta Feminista do Início do Século XX” [“Literature or Propaganda? The Novels of Ana de Castro Osório in the Context of the Feminist Struggle in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century”]. American Portuguese Studies Association Conference. Amherst, October 2002.
“Translation and Creation. Herberto Helder’s O Bebedor Nocturno.” American Comparative Literature Association Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2002.