“Zoofitografia Ecopoética de Plantas e Animais Amazónicos.” Ecopoesia, ecopoética e novas políticas ambientais. Ed. Nuno Marques, Azucena Castro and Santiano Acosta. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming)


“Las Vidas de los Ríos Amazónicos.” Parana Twana / Alma del río: La vida en las comunidades ribereñas del Marañon. Fotos and Ed. Juanjo Fernández. (forthcoming)


“Frans Krajcberg: Articulating the Natural World” Cisneros Institute Anthology. Ed. Ines Katzenstein. New York: MOMA (forthcoming).


“Comunidade Humanas e Não-Humanas em Águas do Pastaza de Inês Alves.” Natureza e Cinema Português Contemporâneo. Ed. Filipa Rosário e José Duarte. Editora Documenta/Sistema Solar. (forthcoming)


“Indigenous Apocalypses: The Anthropocene Seen from the Amazon.” The Anthropocene as a Multiple Crisis: Perspectives from Latin America. Ed. Elissa Raskin. Jalisco: CALAS. (forthcoming)


“Vegetal Art and Activism in Frans Krajcberg’s Sculptures.” Plant Poetics: Literary Forms and Functions of the Vegetal. Ed. Joela Jacobs, Isabel Kranz and Solvejg Nitzke (forthcoming).



“Emigration, Anarchism and Ecology in Ferreira de Castro’s Emigrants.” Migrant Frontiers: Race and Mobility in the Luso-Hispanic World. Ed. Anna Tybinko, Daniel Silva and Lamonte Aidoo. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press (forthcoming).


“Amazonian Zoophytography: Ecopoetic Writing with Animals and Plants.” The Routledge Companion to Ecopoetics. Ed. Julia Fiedorczuk, Mary Newell, Bernard Quetchenbach, and Orchid Tierney. London and New York: Routledge. 2023, 127-135.


“Poesia ConVida.” Livro do Verso Vivo: Antologia Lusófona de Ecopoesia. Ed. Mauricio Vieira and Thássio Ferreira. Cantagalo, RJ: Editora Outra Margem. 2023. 9-17.


“Mulheres Naturais? Natureza e Feminilidade em Máscaras de Noémia Delgado e Transe de Teresa Villaverde.” Realizadoras Portuguesas: Cinema no Feminino na Era Contemporânea. Ed. Mariana Liz and Hilary Owen. Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2023, 153-173.


“Food Ethics in the Work of Astrid Cabral.” Literature Beyond the Human: Post-Anthropocentric Brazil. Ed. Victoria Saramago, Jamille Pinheiro and Luca Bacchini. London and New York: Routledge, 2023, 160-178.


“Can Plants Write? Phytography in the Sculptures of Frans Krajcberg.” Post-Normal Design: Emergent Approaches Towards Plural Worlds. Ed. Alastair Fuad-Luke. Matosinhos: Esad-idea, 2022, 127-34.


“What Future for the Future? Utopian Lessons from a Global Pandemic." Historic Understanding Past, Present and Future. Ed. Zoltán Boldizsár Simon and Lars Deile. New York: Bloomsbury, 2022, 141-51.


“Utopia.” Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures. Ed. Fátima Vieira, Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor and Peter Marks. London and New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2022, 25-38.


“Olive Tree — Olea Europaea.” The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence. Ed. Patrícia Vieira, Monica Gagliano and John Ryan. Santa Fe: Synergetic Press, 2021. 267-77.


“Introduction: On Becoming Plant-Minded.” The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence. Ed. Patrícia Vieira, Monica Gagliano and John Ryan. Santa Fe: Synergetic Press, 2021. xiii-xxiii. [with Monica Gagliano and John Ryan]


“Movies on the Move: Filming the Amazonian Rainforest.” Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema. Ed. Gisela Heffes and Carolyn Fornoff. New York: SUNY UP. 2021. 25-46.


“Talking Trees in Amazonian ‘Novels of the Jungle.’” Trees in Literatures and the Arts. Ed. Carmen Concilio and Daniela Fargione. Lanham, M.D.: Lexington Books, 2021. 163-72.


“A Literatura Interespécie de Clarice Lispector.” Visões de Clarice Lispector: Ensaios, Entrevistas, Leituras. Ed. Fernanda Coutinho and Sávio Alencar. Fortaleza: Imprensa Universitária UFC, 2020. 116-133.


“Natural Women? Nature and Femininity in Noémia Delgado’s Masks and Teresa Villaverde’s Trance.” Women's Cinema in Contemporary Portugal. Ed. Hilary Owen and Mariana Liz. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2020. 107-126.


“Interspecies Peace: Learning to Live Together.” Histories of Nature and Environment: Perspectives and Dialogues. Ed. Ana Roque, Cristina Brito and Cecilia Veracini. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020. 2-9.


“The Posthuman Poetry of Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen.” Portuguese Literature and the Environment. Ed. Patrícia Vieira and Víctor Mendes. Lanham, M.D.: Lexington Books, 2019. 181-199. 


“Phytognosis: Learning from Plants.” Intertwined Histories: Plants in their Social Contexts. Ed. James Ellis. Calgary: Calgary Institute for the Humanities, 2019. 12-19.


“¿Es nuestro mundo un mundo posutópico?” Después del fin del mundo. Ed. Vicenç Villatoro. Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona and Diputació de Barcelona. 2017. 26-28.


“What do we Owe the Future.” A Stone Reader. Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments. Ed. Peter Catapano and Simon Critchley. New York and London: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2017. 414-16. (with Michael Marder).


“Cinema in Totalitarian Iberia: Propaganda and Persuasion under Salazar and Franco.” Beyond Tordesillas: Critical Essays in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies. Eds. Robert Newcomb and Richard Gordon, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2017. 220-233.


“Phytographia: Literature as Plant Writing.” The Language of Plants: Science, Philosophy and Literature. Ed. Patrícia Vieira, Monica Gagliano and John Ryan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017. 215-233.


“Beyond Use Value: Humanities for Humanities’ Sake.” The Role of the Humanities in Times of Crisis. Ed. María Pilar Rodríguez. Madrid: Dicksinson Press, 2016. 127-139.


“Laws of the Jungle: The Politics of Contestation in Cinema about the Amazon.” The Green Thread: Dialogues with the Vegetal World. New York: Lexington Press, 2015. 129-45.


“António Vieira’s Utopian Kingdom of Christ on Earth.” Utopia in the Portuguese-Speaking World. Ed. Francisco Bethencourt. Berne: Peter Lang. 71-97.


“Filming Women in the Colonies: Gender Roles in New State Cinema about the Empire.” Gender, Empire, Postcolony. Luso-Afro-Brazilian Intersections. Ed. Hilary Owen and Anna Klobucka. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 71-85.


“O Cinema de Pedro Costa: Cinefilia, Amadorismo, Utopia.” Imagens Achadas: Documentário, Política e Processos Sociais em Portugal. Lisbon: Colibri Press, 2014. 205-23.


“Heróis sem Carácter. Particularismo e Identidade Nacional em Macunaíma.” [“Heroes with no Character: Particularism and National Identity in Macunaíma”].  Re-Writing/Re-Memoring History in Literature through the Colonial/Postcolonial Junction. Ed. Inocência Mata. Lisbon: Colibri, 2012. 59-77.

“Poetas em Grande Plano. CamõesBocage e a Política do Espírito do Estado Novo Português.” [“Poets in Focus: CamõesBocage and the Politics of the Spirit of the Portuguese New State”] Ed. Pedro Serra. Aula de los Medios. Poesía, Cine y Fotografía. Salamanca: Ediciones Usal. 2012. 119-126. 


The (In) Visibility of Colonial Wars in Mia Couto and J. M. Coetzee.” Plots of War.Modern Narratives of Conflict. Eds. Adriana Martins and Isabel Gil. New York and Berlin: de Gruyter Publishers, 2012. 24-31.


“Existential Utopia: Of the World, the Possible, the Finite.” Existential Utopia: New Perspectives on Utopian Thought. Eds. Patricia Vieira and Michael Marder. London and New York: Continuum Press, 2011. 35-49. (with Michael Marder). 



“Identificação, Regressão e Persuasão: Autoridade e Hierarquia no Cinema do Estado Novo” [“Identification, Regression and Persuasion: Authority and Hierarchy in New State Cinema”]. A Cultura Portuguesa no Divã. [Portuguese Culture on the Couch.] Ed. Adriana Martins and Isabel Gil. Lisbon: Catholic University Press, 2011. 51-61.